
Welcome to Anti inflammatory Recipes. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best information on anti inflammatory recipes, foods and supplements. Our focus is on simple recipes because like me, I’m sure that you do not always have a lot of time for meal prep. I’ll also share other ways (other than food) that chronic inflammation can be reduced in the body. These articles are based on scientific research. At the end of each article I share the references to the related scientific studies so you can check them out yourself.

As I am getting older, I find myself thinking more about what life could be like in ten to twenty years. Staying fit and healthy and ensuring that illness and sickness do not slow me down as I get older has become really important to me. Understanding how my diet can impact my long term health has become an obsession. I’ve been searching for anti inflammatory recipes and supplements to give my diet an overhaul.

In 2021 I decided to start my journey in understanding the crucial role that diet can play in the prevention of disease. I plan on sharing all my research and findings on this blog.

My journey started with trying to understand the key drivers of inflammation in the body and its’ link to illness and disease. I already knew that some foods cause inflammation, but it was interesting to dive deep into the scientific literature to learn more.

I hope you enjoy my anti inflammatory recipes. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me via email, or via the contact form.